Revise, replace, transfer or cancel your building permit

Request a revision to your permit, replace a permit if it’s lost, or cancel a permit.

Revise permit

If you have been issued a building permit but need to change your scope of work you’ll need either a “field revision” or a formal “revision application.”

Talk to your inspector to find out what type of revision you’ll require. If you’re not sure who your inspector is or how to contact them, please call 905-615-4311.

Submit revision application

Formal revision applications should be submitted as a new “building permit” request in ePlans. When creating the request refer to your original building permit number and use the description “REVISION TO 18-####.” Additional fees will be required.

You’ll need to upload these documents:

  • A cover letter summarizing and listing all changes
  • Updated drawings and/or documents that reflect the revised work. You don’t have to upload all of your drawings again, only submit the files that show changes.

Replace permit

If you lose your building permit you can request a duplicate. Additional fees will be required. Please contact us online.

Transfer permit

If you wish to transfer an issued building permit to a new owner, contact us online.

You may be asked to provide:

The cost to transfer an issued permit is $201.

To obtain a copy of the approved drawings, you will need to submit a Freedom of Information request or coordinate with the applicant.

Transfer an application

If you wish to transfer an application that has not yet been issued to a new applicant, please complete the Transfer Application Request Form. The new user must have an ePlans account. This form must be signed by the property owner.

Please allow 3 to 5 business days for this transfer to occur. The new user will receive an email confirmation once the transfer is complete.

Written consent from the design professional may also be required.

Cancel permit

If you no longer wish to proceed with your construction project, please complete the Cancellation Request Form.

An inspection may be required prior to cancellation.

Contact us

If you need more information, call 311 (905-615-4311) or contact us online.